797 research outputs found

    Reliability evaluation of scalable complex networks through delta-star conversion

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    Exact reliability evaluation of large size complex networks becomes intractable with conventional techniques due to the exponential scaling of the computation complexity as the size of network scales up. In this paper we develop a scalable model for the exact evaluation of system reliability of scalable complex networks of the n-tuple bridge type based on scaled delta-star conversion. The number of steps as well as the computation overhead is kept within practical limits as they scale up linearly with the size of the network. The proposed model enables simple numerical evaluation either manually or through spread-sheets

    Hypothesis of Interaction: Reflections on its Theoretical and Practical Contributions for Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

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    This article is about one of the most influential hypothesis in the fields of applied linguistics and language learning. It is based on the work of a number of scholars who contributed to the understanding of this hypothesis such as Steve Krashen, Mike Long, Teresa Pica and Merrill Swain. It starts with a brief introduction about the significance of interaction hypothesis generally in language learning in general and its central role in second language acquisition (SLA). The next section reviews some of the fundamental works and studies that have investigated the theoretical and practical understanding of this phenomenon and its relationship to learnersรขโ‚ฌโ„ข achievement. It also highlights the contribution of interaction hypothesis to learning in two basic areas: noticing and feedback. There are explanatory examples presented in the following section in order to show how interactional modification techniques are used by learners. The last section presents some concluding thoughts pertaining to this topic with a focus on how it can be employed in language learning classrooms

    Recovery modeling in MPLS networks

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    Transmission of QoS based traffic over packet switched network typically requires resource reservation or differentiated treatment to guarantee an acceptable level of performance. But it is also essential to bound the disruption caused by failure of nodes or links for a real time traffic to a limit that is acceptable by the application. In this paper, a simulation platform models the impact of the MPLS recovery/protection schemes on the QoS traffic parameters including disruption time and number of out of order packets arriving at the destination. The simulation considers measures to alleviate drawbacks caused by recovery process

    Design of digital electricity meter

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    Common Electricity meters, which are currently used in houses, shops and some factories are bulky expensive and inaccurate. Such features are incompatible with modern technological trends of miniaturization accuracy and neat devices. This project presents the design and the model of a low cost digital energy meter to overcome the short comings of the present meters. It is anticipated that a new neat design based on integrated circuit technology employing digital measurement techniques will have a great impact on electricity meters locally and worldwide. With a data storage capability and some form of processing, it can provide the consumers with vital information on the trend of their energy consumption. Such information will assist them in rationalizing their consumption. Intelligent energy meters may be seen as most suitable and efficient way to facilitate easy solutions to the problem of rational consumption


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    The design of a prototype monolithic Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) electronic circuits, namely the Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) is presented. The components can achieve the stringent requirements of wireless communication applications such as GSM cellular telephony. The VCO meets the low phase noise specifications of -136 dBc/Hz at large offset frequency of 3MHz, over the appropriate frequency range. The model of the monolithic VCO is based on the topology of the Colpitts Oscillator. It is relatively less complicated, which facilitates the practical integration of the MEMS components into the configuration. The variable capacitor and the monolithic 3-D coil inductor are suitable for low phase-noise and low power consumption at the application frequencies. A PSpice simulation model was developed with MEMS switching devices that can be integrated into the system. The model helps in determining the design parameters, which affect the performance and operation reliability of the RF transceiver system, for which a prototype has been tested and proved successful

    Education: the quest for the lost wisdom in the maze of knowledge

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    A novel method to assess the complex Education process has been devised. The technique involves the quantification of Learning Outcome, which has hitherto been largely subjective and cumbersome despite the technological advance in learning and teaching aids. The new technique presents an objective assessment in a mathematical form. The approach is an innovated Metric Suit based on a measure of Entropy related to learning outcome. The โ€˜Informationโ€™ entropy is computed and used as a measure of Knowledge. Another learning outcome is the proper application of relevant knowledge termed โ€˜Wisdomโ€™. Wisdom can also be measured using entropy computations. In this sense, entropy is related to the factor of disorder. The various parameters are represented by random variables. Because the amount of the required computations is very large, only the most effective of variables will be considered. The results obtained so far are encouraging. However, more tests on the proposed Metric Suit from various areas of application will further ascertain its robustness. Comprehensive tests and thorough analyses will provide a strong basis for evaluation judgment. The model treats the education process as a communications channel. The transfer of information between the sender and the recipient depends on the amount of uncertainty presented by each of the components that constitute the system. The computations of โ€œEntropyโ€ involve all the programs that constitute a discipline at university level

    Satellite TVRO system reception under tropical weather conditions effects

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    TVRO systems suffers from the tropical weather conditions effects. This paper evaluate the system based on its effects of that conditions. This paper presents a Satellite TVRO system reception with regard to various weather conditions effects such as day time, night time as well as clear sky and rain sky conditions have been highlighted. The Geo arc that has been derived from such system represent the application of TVRO. The TVRO structures a Geo-arc formation and formulation in terms of satellite signals losses

    Availability analysis of terrestrial free space optical link under the impact of rain condition

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    Availability is one of the main factors to measure the QoS of any telecommunication networks. An accurate availability prediction for Free Space Optical link of carrier class grade is needed. In tropical areas, rain is the most dominant factor affecting the FSO link availability. In this paper, the effect of rain attenuation on the availability of FSO links is analyzed by examining the impact distance of different FSO systems. As the rain attenuation of FSO is independent of wavelength, the analysis of rain attenuation will be based on rain intensity. ITU-R (Carbonneau and Japan) models have been used for the analysis. From the results; Carrier class availability with good enough resolution for estimated availability can be predicted. This paper provides recommendations to FSO researchers in general and local telecom service provider in particular about possible availability figures that can be useful for deployment of FSO link as a last mile solution, back-up for fiber optic and other applications

    Real time tracking in 3D space by robotic vision

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    A digital real time auto tracking robotic system is designed and analyzed. The tracking is based on passive detection using live TV imaging. The target coordinates are determined by an image processing technique and non-linear prediction algorithm. The control signals derived from the video signal set the azimuth ? and elevation f of the camera position to track the centroid of the target on the screen. The time development of the aim point in successive images represents the tracking path. Non-linear prediction determines the location of the target in the next TV frame by extrapolation. For distant objects a range finder can be mounted with the camera to determine the coordinate, r. Hence, a set of spherical coordinates (r, ?, f) for the target are determined

    Intelligent Dynamic Traffic Light Sequence Using RFID

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    The proposed RFID traffic control avoids problems that usually arise with standard traffic control systems, especially those related to image processing and beam interruption techniques. This RFID technique deals with a multi-vehicle, multilane, multi road junction area. It provides an efficient time management scheme, in which a dynamic time schedule is worked out in real time for the passage of each traffic column. The real time operation of the system emulates the judgment of a traffic policeman on duty. The number of vehicles in each column and the routing are proprieties, upon which the calculations and the judgments are based
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